We add the Y to A.I.

The most impactful use of technology starts by asking the right questions.


Since 2015, Agilytic helps organisations reach their goals through the smarter use of data. Since 2015, technology has dramatically evolved. What hasn’t changed, however, is our unflinching focus on finding the most appropriate technology for your needs.

✨ A.I. - between FoMO and BS ✨

Leaders must navigate between two extremes about A.I.

  • One one hand, a diffuse sense of urgency, fuelled by the “fear of missing out” on a potentially disruptive wave of innovation;

  • On the other, caution of not falling for some sort of over-hyped commercial bulls#!t.

As with many things, value creation will come from a pragmatic middle ground.

Our relentless focus on value creation

A.I. that is aligned with your organisation’s goals

Our approach to A.I. is the same as with every project: start from your core strategic objectives, be they:

  • Marketing, sales and market intelligence

  • Customer experience and loyalty

  • Operational efficiency

  • Finance, risk mitigation

  • Human resources: talent acquisition, development and retention

  • Environmental, social and governance

De-mystified, de-risked A.I.

Our experience in 200+ advanced analytics projects serves as a solid foundation to assist you in maximizing the chances of success for your A.I. projects.

From roadmap to implementation, Agilytic ensures you select the right technology for the job.

Three simple ways to think about AI

Quick Wins

Improve the produtivity and R.O.I. of the processes in your value chain


Build a lasting competitive advantage


Disrupt business models and markets.

What we offer

Our A.I. services can be summed up in four complementary areas

  1. A.I. roadmap: co-create a project pipeline that maximises RoI and reduces uncertainty

  2. Custom A.I. solutions: when stakes are high and the challenge is complex.

  3. Low-code/no-code workflows for simpler needs. Just because we can deliver complex solutions, doesn’t mean we should, every time.

  4. Data engineering and enabling services: data availability and trustworthiness can be a bottleneck for ambitious projects. Our data engineering team makes sure that won’t be the case.

Our core beliefs

  • A.I. is already there: it is not in the future. Tools and technologies already exist; the only question is how do you harness them to your advantage.

  • A.I. is a business concern, not (just) an IT one: it is every leader’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the potential of technology on their business.

  • Technology is not the limiting factor; most often, it is our capability to be creative with available technology that limits our capacity to build competitive advantage.

  • A.I. is a core skill that must be internalized: by training people, documenting processes and deploying the right tools. We ensure you can thrive without us.

Why Agilytic?

After all, there are many #AI experts out there…


We are active since 2015, and have successfully completed over 200 projects across Europe for organizations from diverse backgrounds and diverse sizes.


We will always privilege simple solutions over needlessly complex ones. We care more about the impact on your organization than the “edgyness” of the solution.

Furthermore, we are not tied by any referral or commission scheme with tech providers.


What we build with you belongs to you. Furthermore, you should never become dependant on a third party for strategic capabilities.

Knowledge and intellectual property transfer are part or our projects by default.